Fantastic. Near-perfect.
But this is just an embedded movie; none of it is actually animated in flash... why?
Fantastic. Near-perfect.
But this is just an embedded movie; none of it is actually animated in flash... why?
This was all made in Flash but because there was so much content, it was impossible to put it all inside on .fla file. I had to export each scene as a PNG sequence and then put it together in After Effects. I then rendered it out as a .mov file and then re-imported it back into Flash. This is why the quality is lower than it should be.
Really awesome idea.
I almost cried at the end... it was so sad.... ;_;
but the ending was hilarious.
That was beautiful. You did a pretty solid job on this.
The ending was a li-iiiiitle predictable though.
Mixed feelings
I'll be frank here. It's too DBZ-ish for my liking, and you've managed to pull every cliche possible for a series finale. Jpeg renders were poorly placed. The drawings are mediocre at best and it's quite obvious where you traced and copied many parts. Consequently the overall style is rough, sloppy, and uneven. I thought people stopped submitting animations like this years ago.
However I will give you mad props for actually finishing this. It held my interest long enough to watch it all the way. Normally I'd say that this submission is crap and belongs nowhere near the top 5, let alone top 100 (damn you fanboys). But it seems you worked your ass off on this for a long time, so I suppose you deserve a bit of it. Come to think of it, you get an extra star for adding Hyper Knuckles in there. And it seems you bothered to arrange the audio, so it actually sounded cohesive... but it would be better if you just got voice actors for the main characters.... the dialogue splicing shows a bit sorely, especially when Nazo (voiced by edwin, great VA) goes on long complex monologues, to which the heroes can only retort to with a limited selection of generic phrases. Also the music was a tad boring- if you're even a hundredth of the Sonic fanboy I used to be, we've all heard Crush 40 and the whole SA2 OST to death, to point where hearing "Live and Learn" makes me want to shove an ice pick in my temple.
In short, it was meh, but had potential.
Looking forward to future original animations from you.
wasn't much plot and the backstory wasn't too helpful. Nonetheless it was a great animation. Alot of seams in the drawings and not too fluid, but still very well-paced. The best aspect was probably the camera angles and dynamic movement. Very energetic.
this was... just freaking amazing. A few sound/graphic fluidity issues but they didn't detract from the overall awesomeness and badassery. The plot is twisted and clever. The style was very smooth and disgusting (typical of you). The credits thing was a nice touch. Looking forward to more episodes if they are on the way.
Did he kill the daughter or is that deliberately made ambiguous?
well I dont wanna spoil it for you, but the girl was missing from the crimescene.
you can get an idea of what happends to her if you watch Nghorror show. lol
Cool. Funny.
But yeah, the animation style is total crap. : |
No offense. It's what you intended. But this is wa-aaaay overrated.
Other than that this is indeed awesome. I can relate to the Prince of Persia one.
Yeah, the story did seem a tad rushed- but then again it's a music video.
The style is totally awesome. There are a few bumps and impurities in terms of fluidity, but nonetheless everything flows together very well, especially the scenery. Great job.
This is what stick animations would be like if people actually knew how to draw. Very nice job.
Crusty old-timer.
Age 36, Male
Starving Artist
Joined on 6/10/03